Who Am I?

I’m a Christian, husband, father, engineer, and writer. I’m thankful for my amazing wife who inspires, supports, challenges, and encourages me. I am blessed to be the father of four children who bring me joy! I'm a software engineer, and I wrote a book about how computers work. I enjoy playing and arranging music. I'm a fan of hiking, retro video games, reading, Star Wars, and drinking tea.


I love technology! My family bought an Apple IIGS when I was a boy, and on it I began to learn about computing and programming. Later, at the University of Tennessee, I majored in electrical engineering with a focus on digital systems. After college I began a software engineering job at Microsoft where I worked for 17 years in various roles, including debugging the Windows kernel, developing automated fixes, and leading a team of engineers responsible for building diagnostic tools and services. For a few years I partnered in a small business working on mobile apps, and I regularly work on various software projects. I developed Jane Austen's 8-bit Adventure, a video game for the NES and PC. I'm currently launching a new AI-focused software company - Carolina Compute.


I wrote a book on computing! How Computers Really Work is an approachable, hands-on guide to understanding how computers work, from low-level circuits to modern software. Published by No Starch Press. Available on Amazon and elsewhere!


I play alto saxophone, and I like to arrange music for my family to play together. I also enjoy attempting to play recorder, clarinet, piano, and guitar.


You can reach me on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.